May 26, 2009

All Clear!

Jingle had her most recent heartworm test...came back negative.

This was just a routine scheduled test.

Thanks Heartgard!

February 20, 2009

Bye Bye Video's

Apparently the site we stored our video clips on has vanished....POOF!!

Oh well..
Anyway Jingle is doing A-Ok..for those who check in.

December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays!!

Jingle and Hokie wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season and they plan to eat the treats and play with the toys that Santa Claws brought them.

June 03, 2008

It's Been Awhile

Jingle and Hokie are doing well. They have been enjoying the summer days and napping as much as possible.

January 06, 2008

Happy New Year 2008 !

Jingle and Hokie wish you a Happy New Year !

It has been a long long time since our last update -
Both Jingle & Hokie have been doing great!

Jingle likes "Chicken Flips"(Chicken chew strip treats) and will dance around and bark in hopes of getting as any as possible.

June 26, 2007


After the bed eating incident Natures Recipe "Healthy Skin Rabbit & Rice Dinner" seems to be the only food that doesnt upset Jingles stomach...not sure if its allergies or what but this is the only food that seems to work.
So, we have stocked up.....